An Update and Prayer Request //

Hello friends and family! I want to give a little update on the Summex South Korea trip. Lord willing, we will be in Korea the end of July through the beginning of August.

We have been learning a beautiful song. The chorus goes like this:
Lord, I believe You’re working in my life
Lord, I believe You’re sovereign here and now
Jesus, I choose to trust You.

Jesus, I choose to trust You.

I have been learning a lot and this song captures the major themes. Jesus, I believe You are working in my life and I choose to trust You. He leads this trip. He leads my life. All things are in our Mighty God’s hands.

One thing I’ve struggled with is asking for help financially. It is a very humbling and somewhat uncomfortable experience. Thankfully, the Lord has given me many friends who’ve encouraged and helped me process what it means to raise support financially. One friend explained it as this: many Christians want to help and serve with the Great Commission but do not have the time, opportunity, or may already be serving in other areas. I think about my church sends. They live and serve in Ukraine. Oh how I’d love to be part of their mission! Although I am in school and have other commitments, but I DO have the unique ability to be part of their mission through giving! Prayer and financial support! I may not be able to go and visit, but God has uniquely given me the ability and time to genuinely pray for their ministry.

I am trying to keep this mindset as I raise support and ask for prayer.

To go on this trip, I need a total of $3,000. From my support I have raised $750 (from when I last checked two weeks ago). Our first payment of $1,500 was due last week and the final payment is due in May.
If you are feeling lead to give checks can be mailed to the Emmaus Buisness Office at 2570 Asbury Rd, Dubuque IA 52001. Please write “Heather Taylor – Summex” on the memo line. I also have Venmo – @ Heather-Taylor33

While this is a short-term mission trip, I truly believe God will use this to transform and encourage my spiritual growth. I’m excited to see the Lord continue his great work in my life!

I understand many of you may not be in a place to give financially, but I do believe all Christians have the responsibility and are able to pray for missions. Here are some things we are praying for:

  • COVID. Originally, we had planned to purchase our plane tickets in January. But because of Covid, our team has made the decision to hold off until March to buy the tickets. Please pray for wisdom for those leading the trip and for the covid situation. Please pray God opens the doors to allow us to go, that the covid cases in Korea slow down, and that God protects and provides despite the pandemic.
  • Please pray for the leaders who are in charge of making decisions. May the Lord give them wisdom, confidence, and peace as they depend on God to navigate this trip.
  • Please pray for our team spiritually. Pray that our hearts and mind would be open to God’s work, that we would seek to please and glorify him, that He would be the focus and priority.

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